Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I went crazy bead shopping again on Tuesday. Needed some beads to match my Christmas shirt. Ended up paying at Walmart & Michael's and spent at least 80.00 on beads. Michael's was having an awesome sale so got most items at 50% so i didn't feel so bad about spending the dough.

I finished my new Christmas necklace and earrings last night. Will post pics tonight...stay tuned.


I'm pumped i'm going to see Foo Fighters in March when the come to our city. I really enjoy their last album and am going to download their previous albums soon to get ready for the concert. We got good seats. First seated section almost straight across from the stage in row 1 seats 1-3. It's going to be fun.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I got the bug

After tonight's meeting, i have been busy like a beaver. Very unlike me as lately i've been lazy/procrastinating since end of August. So since 9:00 i have done the dishes, made homemade chai tea, watched "pushing up daises", while looking through craft box for construction paper & glue and making a label for my new weekly pill containers. Cleaned the bedroom from clothes thrown on the floor. listened to the news, while doing nightly cleanup routine, tided the apt from things on floor. Started a new to do list, Started a slopitch to do list. Right now i'm writing another blog @ 12:26 - might have something to do with the 2 glasses of chai tea (made with black tea)

I must say i feel excited and revved up. I went to my first Relay for Life meeting tonight with all the committee members. Yesterday, SaM (possible co-chair) myself and ST (co-chair) with ML(staff at CSS - Canadian Cancer Society) had a meeting to determine if SaM and myself wanted to be co-chairs for the 2008 relay. We both decided to do it. Yesterday i was a little hesitant but agreed to be co-chair as i didn't know exactly what it will entail. We were both asked to go to a summit this weekend - basically a knowledge weekend with speakers on how to improve your Relay for Life. I was able to attend, and i will bring back my knowledge along with ST and ML for the rest of the committee. I am also the chair of a subcommittee - Volunteers. I will be liasoning with all subcommittees & organizing volunteers into time slots. I'm excited i must say i have some ideas of how i will organize myself and my possible team and excited for this opportunity to raise awareness and funds for the Cancer Society.

Last year, i volunteered at the Relay for life and on June 2007 i wrote a post about it - you will notice that i was in the tent most the night and got to be understand the RFL that night. Hence why i already have plans for this year.

(Sorry i don't know how to link back to my archives yet) still lots to learn with this blogger.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Follow up to previous love life post & new beaded jewelry creations

I finally did it. Let the friend know i wasn't interested. He said he knew already but enjoyed spending time with me. He told me to call him and I've been busy this week and for some reason when i have spare time i haven't called him. I finally called him tonight and he has company so he's calling back. Wonder how this/if it will change things, probably but that's alright. Now he knows the truths and i don't have to wonder every time I'm out with him if he expects me to likes him back. I can't stop him from liking me, but he now knows where he stands.

I have started beading again. I seem to be viewing a lot of blogs, flickr's, and internet bead mags over the last weeks. I have gotten inspired to pick up the beads again but i'm back to the basics...well was i ever not at the basics. Check out my flickr for my latest creations. As soon as i can remember what the website link is, i will do it.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Love Life? ? & running?

I think the high school friend has a crush on me. Actually not totally sure, but signs sure point that he does. We went to casino on Thursday. He bought me drinks and gave me more of our jackpot winnings than i contributed. Friday we went for drink then movie. He purchased supper and movie, while i got the snack food. On Thursday night, he mentioned that he wasn't sure if he was going to be in town for Saturday. He asked what i was doing. J birthday that was planned for months can't miss that. So he decides right then and there he's going to battlefords to visit family. Oh yah, he was only sticking around to hang with me. He called me last night and we chatted about the rest of our weekend. Then at the end of the conversation he said "if you're not busy tomorrow night, give me a call or any night"

Now don't get too excited....It would be great but i'm not into him. I have a list already started of things i don't like/want to change about him. Yes we can chat but it's only because i'm not shy around him. As i knew him 10 years ago, and of course when a guy has things to say or asks me questions i can talk too. Also wasn't nervous to talk so that makes the difference. Decided i'm not calling him tonight, i wouldn't mind having him as a friend but i don't want to give him the wrong idea.

That's a slim outline of my love live right now(is that a love life).

Yesterday, i attended my second , deux, 5K of the summer. It was great. My time was 37.11. My Terry Fox 5K run/walk time was 40.03 and that was only 2 weeks ago. Crazy how the continued running/walking can keep you in shape and help you improve. I'm joining the Roadrunners here in town and i'm continuing to run/walk with my coworker. He can only run on weekdays, but it's still nice to run with someone else. Actually decided i want to do a 5K every month and try to break my time record.

~almost time for Heroes, better go~

PS as i'm writing my title i'm wondering if my two topics have more in common that i think....i'm taking things as they come

My name is Chicken

Last Tuesday, I went out for drinks with an old high school friend. We met with some of his coworkers. His coworkers were all over 45 7 not really attractive so i didn't have eyecandy at the table. I noticed that the lounge had a lot of guys but not really good looking guys, expect for the table right behind us. In front of me i guess is more the correct term. I was in perfect eye range to see this guy. He was nicely toned, cute, well dressed. I think he was around 20-25, which is a little young for my liking. But still I had been checking him out all night. Then as the night dragged on and i was getting tired of not understanding the table conversation(talking about work...mechanic this & that) i decide 10:00 sounds like a good time to leave, right before i announce i'm leaving i was drawn to the cute guy table. I notice that his friend has left the table and he is actually looking at me. There was a tv behind me but it was higher than my head by a foot or half foot. Ok so i rule that out he's actually looking at me. I then make eye contact but of course look away immediately. Oh the shyness in me (I have to overcome that). Then I look over again and he is still looking at me. Well, silly me instead of sitting there a couple more minutes and actually flirting I decide i need to go. It would have only taken a little bit but i chickened out. So I get up to leave, the guys I’m with offer to pay for my drinks I look back at the table to thank them but I couldn’t get my eyes to veer off to the left to see if the guy was checking me out. Then the hopeless romantic in me thinks maybe he’ll follow me out the lounge. Well if I would have flirted more than maybe he would have. Oh, at least i'm starting to see the signs when a guy is flirting, i usually don't see them at all. This leads into my second post.....

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Divini 'Tea'

Tonight i was at my first Tea Meditation.

We listened to the inner peace mediation.

It was amazing. We prepared the Tea. Poured everyone a cup and then started the mediation. She mediates and guides you towards sipping your tea. I must say it really heightened the experience of the tea. We first held the tea with our fingers feeling the warmth, then raised to face level and inhaled the warmth, fragrant smell. Held the cup of tea at face level for quite some time, my anticipation of that sip was so elevated. Finally we got to sip the tea, as we were sipping she told us to feel the sensation of the tea on our tongue, swoosh the tea around in the mouth and sense the feeling in the mouth. We basically almost finished the full glass of tea when she asked us to put the tea back on the table and let the arms drop to our lap or side. Then she continued the mediation and it was great, relieving tension in all muscles. This mediation was so invigorating and refreshing, man i was so relaxed.

The mediation has kept me awake tonight. I played on comp till 10:30 and now it's 11:40 and i felt the need to write this post. I'm finally feeling tired now, man the power of journalizing is great. Once i put it onto paper/electronic paper my mind can rest.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Angel Day recap

So the workshop was good but i can't exactly say if it was amazing. The Angel Therapy Practioner (ATP) Jen did most the talking and i would have liked to see more interaction with the other people in the class. The day started with the 2 ATP's introducing themselves. Explaining about the Arch Angels and telling about all the different types of Angels. We then went throught the chakra clearing mediation. I haven't done this meditation in a couple months and it was great. I was really relaxed and i think with more people it feel more spiritual. We then

We did another mediation to find out who our guardian angels names are. I have known that one of my Angels name is Sarah and this time i got the name Tomge in my head with pics of Tom and Gerry, they are brothers & Mom & Dad are great friends Gerry) Also got the cartoon Tom & Gerry in my head. This is the Angels telling me to relax and have more fun. We did the automatic writing but my words didn't flow but what i did write was reassuring and i will try again.

In the afternoon we found out about Jen's aromatherapy sprays. did a quiz to find out our most prevalent clair. (mine is sight)
Had an Angel reading with another participant - i was told to surrender and release. The reading i gave was about abundance and then i felt like pulling another card and it was a different abundance card again.
We then switched partners and gave each other intuitive reading. This is done by holding a metal object in your hand and holding the other person's hand. A mediation was done by Jen to help us hear what the other person's angels wanted them to know. I didn't seem to give much of a reading i just couldn't hear or see what they wanted me tell her. But my third eye was flickering so much i think it was still trying to open fully. I was told amazing stuff and even though it didn't make sense to her it did to me. (that's the way some readings work)

Because i have read Doreen Virtue's books before i knew which clair is my most prevalent. I have the mediation CD to open my chakra also. Granted i don't listen to it enough.

So a very good day but i left with wanting more, wanting more spiritual i think.


PS. Fitgirl, call me if you want more info.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Late night ramble

As one part of my mind is trying to rest, the other part is zooming with ideas, planning future events, thinking about the past. Hence the reason for an 11:00pm Thursday night post.

I'm getting excited for Saturday. I am taking part in the Second annual International Angel Day. A workshop called Connecting with the Angelic & Divine Realms.
What's that you may ask? well i will learn how to:
connect with the Angels, Spirit Guides & other Divine beings
15 Arch Angels
Chakra clearing exercises
Automatic writing
Giving and receiving Angel readings
Clearing and shielding techniques

Oh it's going to be great. I haven't been at a workshop about Angels before. Neither have i been at an event that Doreen Virtue was involved in. I have to be patient and know the Angels will appear if i want them to. I have opened my chakra's in the past but haven't fully opened all my chakra's nor do i sometimes hear the words the Angels are speaking. This class will be amazing.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Mini-life rehash

Hey everyone, that still is patient enough to come back to check out my blog.

What's new with me. Well I'm single again. But that's a good thing. I need to be with someone who truly wants to be with me.

Had a good drunk last night. We visited the new casino Dakota Dunes. It was nice but the Regina casino is much bigger. I put all of $15 in the 2 cent machine and my money was gone in less than 5 minutes. I figured my $20 limit was met. I never seem to win and don't see the point of wasting more money. The drinks were very expense $5.25 for beer and hi-balls. Usually drinks in the bars/lounges are somewhere between $3.75 -$5.00 but of course depends what lounge and what specials are available. I must say i don't like the next day after a drunk nite. I slept till 12:00 ate greasy McDonald's(i know its bad but the greasy hangover food works) watched a movie and now i've been wasting time on computer. I should have done a whole list of other things today.

I have lost 8 lbs and i'm doing a great job at maintaining. I found that when i stuck to the menuplan and exercise i lose the weight. So today, i restart and stick to the menuplan. I must thank my cousin Islandartist for introducing me to Sparkpeople. It's a great site, lots of articles, customized menu plans, nutritional tracker, exercise tracker, and an online community.

Okay so does this mini-life rehash bring me up-to-date.
Give me a comment if you want to know more in regards to anything.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Computer...warning some geektalk might be boring

I got my computer back today. My good friend's brother is a computer techy. He enjoys computers and has recovered computers before.....wait i should start from the beginning.

At christmas time, i asked my cuz to wip (reformat) my computer. It's 4 years old and had stuff on it that needed to be removed. He tried to backup my computer to his and it took forever. He then found out my computer does not have much life left in it. Therefore, he suggested to not reformat and save up for new computer. I purchased a 10K external hard drive in the spring time to save all my important files and programs. I have been updating it regularly since i got it. 4 weeks ago i purchased a simple computer game and installed it. The computer then screamed at me saying you are out of space. Do you want to do a diskclean. Ok why not. Well after about 45 minutes and no progress happening i canceled the diskclean. Then the pc decided to reboot itself. When it tryed to restart i was told you are missing a system32/hal file. Well i know that this is a major windows file and the pc doesn't work without it. instead of calling the cuz and waiting for him to fix it i decided in the brainyack moment to put the windows disk in the cd-rom. Well i started the reformating process. THe cuz looked at it and he couldn't recover it and didn't have the time to reinstal the windows. Hence where my friend's brother comes in.
He had the computer for a week and i have it back now. I'm in the beginning phases of reinstalling programs. I'm glad i have it wiped but upset that i lost a good friend's pictures of her stagette and i lost 4 months of accoutinng books for the ball league. I didn't have those backed up to the external harddrive. Now to save and install only the things i want. He gave me a 40K harddrive as my harddrive was pooched and installed more ram but suggests i install more ram. Also suggested getting another harddrive to have as a slave.(backup in case the original hd fails i don't lose everything) Also bought and installed a new fan. It is so quiet now, it's awesome.

(I promise that i will update once a week but this week might include more...have too much to say)


Today, i drove back to the apt to find a van parked in my spot. The second time this weekend. So i decided to leave a note on the car. Saying this is my spot, please move or the landlord will tow. Then i finally get to park in my spot later in the day. I go out to the car again at 6:00 to find a note on my car. It was from the landlord saying i was parked in the wrong spot and to call them if i had questions. Damn right i have questions. Where is my spot then, cause 3 winters ago i doublechecked the breaker in my house with the outlet. Turns out i am suppose to be parked directly across from where i have been parking. That makes sense. The old landlord had given me the wrong information and for 3 years the person spot i parked in must have parked in my spot or didn't have a car. I had to leave another letter under the blue van and apology, when i returned from my trip to pick up the computer...see other post....the owner of the blue van was standing outside about 3 car spots away and decided to read the note at the exact time i was unloading my pc from the car. He red the note and i had to say i wrote the note said i'm sorry. He said "it's alright"

Now i'm going to have to remember hard to park in the new spot.

Rainbowannie/Orangesun....aka i have too many handles probably should just go with Alison

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Passport office

I was reading facebook last week, and fitgirl wrote a note regarding passports. I took her advice and i'm so glad i did. Fitgirl just completed her passport and went to the passport office, someone gave her the hint to complete the a)online passport and not paper and pen and b)go in middle of week, mid-afternoon. So last Thursday, i'm staying up late to complete the online application after the paper and pen version was almost complete.(still needed guaranteer to sign) Wednesday i went to the passport office, got a number from the greeterlady and she told me you will be next. I didn't think she said that right so i sat down. My number was 307. The electronic tallyboard was at 94. I was thinking alright i have 1-1&half hours wait. Just then the tallyboard changed to 307 agent number 4. I think they have one agent specified to online applications. She looked over the passport & documents took my fee and i was on my way.

Total time in passport office -10mins Saving my sanity from waiting in the passport office - priceless

Thanks fitgirl i owe you big time.
PS i'm excited i have a boy calling me (call this a teaser)

Monday, June 04, 2007

Relay for Life

I volunteered for the Relay for Life this past Friday. I worked the whole day. Started at 10:00 am Friday with Luminiary setup and ended my day at 7:00 am Saturday morning with cleanup. I had a blast with my volunteering shifts. Luminiaries was interesting we lined the track with all 1970 luminiaries. It took all of us 4 hours to complete this. The luminiaries included - putting plastic bags around the white paper bag then add dirt, add candle, set on gator for placement around the track. After all the luminiaries were setout we had to go back to each one and make them pretty. Pull down the plastic bag, ensure the white holes were facing in to the track, set the candle so it will stand up. That was the tiring part cause it was bend down, stand up and the heat was finally getting to me. Silly me i forgot my hat. I did remember to sunscreen but forgot the ears. They got sunburnt.

After luminiaries were setup, my shift from 3-7 was team registration inside the Saturn tent. That was a hub of activity, got to see a lot of participants. Point them in the direction of their campsite. Provide the team captain with an information package.

I then was to have a break form 7-9 but another volunteer asked if i wanted to help her take some photos of the teams. I thought why not and joined her, before we got to the first campsite we were to take pics of the opening ceremonies was beginning with the Survivor lap, that tore at my heart, the sea of yellow t-shirts for cancer survivors taking a walk around the track.

After a half hour of pics we went back to the Saturn tent for a pen i misplaced. Then Yvonne, the photographer volunteer showed up so i was realived of this duty. So i thought i better eat, then i went to take this pic

My next shift 9-12 was for volunteer registration, still a hub of activity, participants asking questions, or coming to talk.

My 12-4 shift was in Silent Auction. That was too boring for me. There was 4 volunteers there already and they were just sitting around a table talking. The tasks that were involved before the silent auction closed was, make sure sheets don't get full and try to encourage partipants to bid on an auction item to purchase. I ended up going back to the registration Saturn tent to keep Yvonne company and wait till 1:30 when the activity at the Silent Auction picked up. At 2:00 was the closing of the auction. At that time it was a more busy and things to do. At 4:00 am i was so ready for sleep, this other volunteer was talking to me and i kept nodding and saying ah-ha. Thinking to myself, does he ever stop talking about this topic and how do i make him stop. He did ask me two questions about myself which i answered but he didn't proceed to follow up on my answers. Back to his topic about work and how when he left it made him appreciate how it was okay.

My body is no longer an allnighter girl - i had to sleep all day on Saturday. Somehow i slept in 28C temp. Good thing my apt is in the basement.

Well this blog has to stop as it is 8:00 monday and i want to goto bed. i'm still not caught up.

Orangesun (formally Rainbowannie)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

YouTube is great

I was in sparkpeople today and found a new group. Yogalovers. As i read the various posts i came across a link to watch some beginner yoga videos. It was 26 mins long and it was quite good. I've been neglectful of yoga for some time now. I was thrilled to see that their was a series of videos also. I then decided to view other yoga videos only to find many where amateur videos that were only 4 mins long but as i scanned i noticed this:

Yoga Hurts

I was laughing so much. I then checked out other similiar videos and came across this hilarious video. Check it out.

Sound Effects

I am proud of myself. I have been recording my food intake and exercising daily. Today i was presented with a temptation. Donuts at work. I find that my eating bad at work. Either the donuts/cinnamon buns/candy that is around. Or my unorganized self that decides to eat out instead. But that changed this week. Oh that reminds me i need to view tommorrow's meal plan and decide upon the menu.
