Monday, June 12, 2006

I've been clean sweeped

Take a look at this, how did it happen???

Doesn't it look good, no more clutter. My awesome friend, "Mama Bear" came over and put me to work. She helped me move, get my butt in gear and clean up this apt. Of course, she helped me clean too but i did most of it myself. Well I did the removing of the paper clutter and she helped me organize and get rid of old useless stuff. One thing was amazing, my medicine cabinet. So many items were expired i had no idea, *yeah i did*. Mama Bear was amazing, i really felt ashamed at times, she even called me by my full name which is something that was totally needed. It woke me up, i shrugged into my skin a couple times cause i know some of the items in the medicine cabinet/or that i kept should not be kept - i know better.

Thank you Mama Bear, the apt is great.



bada bing said...

Friends like that are keepers!! Good job Mama Bear, I am so happy to see the clutter gone. Now, keep it up, daughter dear!

And how bout the closet, do you have more room now?

FitGirl said...

Yep, it's nice to have a friend like that! My best friend helped me do that with my living room! It was such a great weight lifted off my shoulders!

Doesn't it feel great to come home to a clean place?

Anonymous said...

no need to be embarrased girl, you needed a boost and I am so happy to be the one to get you off in the right direction, everyone is on a journey, and it helps to have friends to help you through it some of the time, if it was me, you would do the same thing.

congratulations on the clean sweep........Mamma Bear

islandarts said...

The place looks great!! I love to 'purge' my old stuff every now and again...
I haven't looked through my medicine cabinet in a while...