Thursday, June 29, 2006

Peace and bugs

Well, i must say i am enjoying the Peacecenter. I feel at home. This last Sunday, was my second celebration and all's good. I went to the meditation beforehand again and i felt at ease, relaxed at the end but still need to calm my mind from the daily activities. This week i attended the treatment circle. I didn't ask for anything but wanted to attend the circle. I definately will be going weekly, it feels nice to be with others that have the same spiritual thoughts as i do.

Check out Journeys to a 10K for an update.

As for the rest of my life. It's going good. I really want to move. Sitting down with a mortgage specialist next week to see when/if a house is in my near future. I think my apt has pill bugs or sow bugs. I have not noticed any larvas on the linoleum floor lately, so i'm hoping by putting the light cover back on the ceiling it fixed up the problem (for now).

Here is a pic of the shell or actual bug, don't freak it is in a plastic bag and kept if for evidence for the landlord. Just haven't a chance to discuss this pesky problem.



islandarts said...

Great to hear you are enjoying the new peace centre. My neighbor is doing something similar and really enjoying it.

As for the bugs, are they silverfish?? They leave shed skin all over the place but you can get rid of them by lining your cupboards in newspaper. There is something in the ink on newspaper that kilss them. Good luck!

alikat789 said...

reply to Islandarts

I don't think they are silverfish. They look more like a centipede. Also i don't find the shed skins around i found actually alive larvas white in color and so slow moving that they just scwormed when they were disturbed. Check out my blog again...i'm anal i know.

S Q L Y said...

Nobody likes to share your place with those little critters for sure, your landlord will have to come up with some answers on the fix. (Kill-em)i say.
Hope you don't find more of the larve around.
get some R A I D

FitGirl said...

Where are you finding these larva? I hate bugs SOOO much! I would be considering to move also!

Good Luck with that!

Ps: I'm glad you are enjoying the Peacecenter. Meditation is great!

islandarts said...

IF you have the time, buy a 'bug bomb' it's a can that you activate and it lets out smoke for a while and kills any bug in your house. YOu will need to wash all of your plates and pots etc... or put them in plastic bags before you start.

Set the bomb off seconds before you leave for work and it will be done when you get home... bye bye bugs- of ANY type.

islandarts said...

By the way that photo you showed DOES look like a sliverfish...

check this out: