Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Divini 'Tea'

Tonight i was at my first Tea Meditation.

We listened to the inner peace mediation.

It was amazing. We prepared the Tea. Poured everyone a cup and then started the mediation. She mediates and guides you towards sipping your tea. I must say it really heightened the experience of the tea. We first held the tea with our fingers feeling the warmth, then raised to face level and inhaled the warmth, fragrant smell. Held the cup of tea at face level for quite some time, my anticipation of that sip was so elevated. Finally we got to sip the tea, as we were sipping she told us to feel the sensation of the tea on our tongue, swoosh the tea around in the mouth and sense the feeling in the mouth. We basically almost finished the full glass of tea when she asked us to put the tea back on the table and let the arms drop to our lap or side. Then she continued the mediation and it was great, relieving tension in all muscles. This mediation was so invigorating and refreshing, man i was so relaxed.

The mediation has kept me awake tonight. I played on comp till 10:30 and now it's 11:40 and i felt the need to write this post. I'm finally feeling tired now, man the power of journalizing is great. Once i put it onto paper/electronic paper my mind can rest.


FitGirl said...

Ali... that meditation sounds really cool! I agree that we don't take enough time to really enjoy any one moment in our lives!

Usually meditation makes me sleep like a rock. I've had the best sleeps after I've had really good meditation sessions (granted they were all in the afternoon, not at night!) Do you meditate at night usually?

alikat789 said...

This meditation was with people from the church. We started at 7:30pm I haven't been on a fixed meditation schedule. I try not to meditate at night, but if i do i try to do early evening. I had too much things running in my head last night, still needed the tv to lull me to bed

FitGirl said...

Television is a *known* stimulant... you should try reading, or even beading to make you tired enough to sleep!

Anonymous said...

That sounds wonderful, very much like the 'tea ceremony' that chinese people do.