Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I'm a sparkpeople

My mom has been mentioning how the sparkpeople site is filled with information and the daily food tracker helps determine what you are eating.

Today, i finally listened to her advice. I've been online for 1.5 hours now. I recorded my food intake for the day. Set up my sparkpage, met a friend with similiar goals and joined a team. Well the team is one that mom is a member of - so i have to give her credit. It's called shutterbugs. And guess what you get a weekly assignment that includes a theme, you then provide an appropriate photo and post onto mysparkpage. The assignment is very similiar to Random and Odd but on a smaller version.

I must say i'm impressed with the site. Fitday was okay but sparkpeople has better search engines. Also the food groupings are easier to use. Also lots of articles to read, and i get points for reading them. Not only am i learning but i'm getting points. I'm not sure what the points give me but i'm getting points.

Okay i'm off my soapbox for today.

Check out Journeys to a 10K new blog


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