Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Angel Day recap

So the workshop was good but i can't exactly say if it was amazing. The Angel Therapy Practioner (ATP) Jen did most the talking and i would have liked to see more interaction with the other people in the class. The day started with the 2 ATP's introducing themselves. Explaining about the Arch Angels and telling about all the different types of Angels. We then went throught the chakra clearing mediation. I haven't done this meditation in a couple months and it was great. I was really relaxed and i think with more people it feel more spiritual. We then

We did another mediation to find out who our guardian angels names are. I have known that one of my Angels name is Sarah and this time i got the name Tomge in my head with pics of Tom and Gerry, they are brothers & Mom & Dad are great friends Gerry) Also got the cartoon Tom & Gerry in my head. This is the Angels telling me to relax and have more fun. We did the automatic writing but my words didn't flow but what i did write was reassuring and i will try again.

In the afternoon we found out about Jen's aromatherapy sprays. did a quiz to find out our most prevalent clair. (mine is sight)
Had an Angel reading with another participant - i was told to surrender and release. The reading i gave was about abundance and then i felt like pulling another card and it was a different abundance card again.
We then switched partners and gave each other intuitive reading. This is done by holding a metal object in your hand and holding the other person's hand. A mediation was done by Jen to help us hear what the other person's angels wanted them to know. I didn't seem to give much of a reading i just couldn't hear or see what they wanted me tell her. But my third eye was flickering so much i think it was still trying to open fully. I was told amazing stuff and even though it didn't make sense to her it did to me. (that's the way some readings work)

Because i have read Doreen Virtue's books before i knew which clair is my most prevalent. I have the mediation CD to open my chakra also. Granted i don't listen to it enough.

So a very good day but i left with wanting more, wanting more spiritual i think.


PS. Fitgirl, call me if you want more info.

1 comment:

FitGirl said...

Wow! Sounds like quite the journey, all in one day! It seems like it was a very spiritual day to me... maybe you wanted to find out more about yourself... I think you are right, you just meed to do it more often and you'll get more receptive to the Angels.

I will call you, I'm sure you have a lot more to say on the subject!