Sunday, January 08, 2006

Happy New Year - Resolution Time

Hello everyone left reading my blog, well that is if anyone is still left. I have been MIA for quite a while but Christmas was very busy for me this year and i didn't find the time to blog.

Made some new year's resolutions
1. Will run 10k in the Terry Fox Run
2. Will pay off a huge chunk of my debt
3. Will get organized in my life

No. 1 will be accomplished by committing myself to a exercise/food plan. I plan on attending the running room for free walk/runs every Wednesday. Going to the gym to build my muscles, using the indoor track for long and short distance running. The short sprints will help my soccer imminstly (sp?)

No. 2 has been organized, all my extra money is getting paid first to Visa then any money remaining will be free money to play with. By free money i mean usually less than $50 per paycheque and budgeting every week to ensure i'm not overspending.

No. 3 will be accomplisted by organizing(listing projects) and stop procrastinating and scheduling in my projects into my dayplanner. I have a ton of projects on the go but never seem to complete them fully. That will change. Projects will be completed first without starting a new one.

No. 1 of course comes with the benefit of losing weight. I will attend Fitday to daily track my intake of calories and track my output of exercise. Man i might need fitgirl's help with the calorie counting. My prior exercise has been with Weight Watchers so i'm used to the points. I will also become a regular on the 3 fatchicks website. What i seen i have liked and i did notice that lots of blogs have been started. I will probably be listing my blog on that forum to help me stay on track. This will be the year that the weight comes off.


Anonymous said...

You go girl! You can do it now that you have committed to it!

FitGirl said...

For sure!
And don't get discouraged by those plateaus! Keep pushing! :)

Anonymous said...

You can do it! Just keep thinking that. As Jen say turn I should into I will!!