Tuesday, May 15, 2012


It was time to do a quick update of what i have accomplished so far:

clean up office – started need to hang shelving in closet and organize binders or toss the clutter

Move beadstuff upstairs to office so i can have workout area downstairsbead stuff is upstairs, still need to find a home for the other crafty items and tidy up downstairs

clean up carpets downstairs/or throw out and get cheap carpet rements – purchased some mats from Walmart that will cover the floor

continue with my new healthy lifestyle that includes my exercise, journalizing on my fitness pal and being accountable and planning – still a work in progress, being not great at logging my food and I have been stuck gaining and losing the same 3 lbs

invite people to my lifestyle party and followup and figure out the menu – party invite was sent and had an okay party

complete a online profile of myself to determine what i want in a man so i can attempt to date again not sure if I want to go online dating again, I want to date and open my heart but online is scary from my last experiences.

There is so much more i need to add to my goals for 2012 but it will need to be another post.
Oh did i mention that it's been a while since i blogged and so far i don't lik it - the font color is already pissing me off and not using my font color like i see it in the compose but looks like i fixed it now.